Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Snow and paper dolls

It's snowing outside right now, just little flurries, nothing's sticking so far, but it's the second time it's snowed since I've been in GA. Today was an errand running day for me; I took a package of crafty fun to the post office, went to an office supply store and stopped by the bank and a fabric store.

I am in the process of making little dancing paper dolls and I needed some brads (paper fasteners) for the joints on them. When I'm done posting this I'm going to get back to work on them, so far they are so, so cute!

At the fabric store I finally bought the batting and the backing for the quilt I'm making for my sibling's child, and it was half off for all of the fleeces so I decided to go with a fleece backing for it. I made the quilt out of a bunch of different fabrics, but two of them are reproductions of old tattoo flash from and it's turning out adorably, I have finished all of the piecework and now that I have the batting and the backing I just need to finish the bias tape so I can get it all together.
When I was making my last quilt (for the sew giving blanket drive), I found an amazing tutorial for continual bias tape here, which is really helpful. I'm horrible at math but I was still able to to use the tutorial really effectively, so even if you are also math challenged, don't be scared of this tutorial, it's do-able.
I wandered around the fabric store for a while because it was the last day of a sale (happy to have stumbled upon that!) and I found the most adorable fabric. It's a retro/repro sort of print with little fabulous femme people (many of whom are wearing bloomers and we all know how I simply adore bloomers!) on it all making baked goods on/in old, cast iron, wood stoves. It's simply amazing and it came in my two favorite colors- pink and red. The one with the pink background even had the stoves a darker shade of pink, it's just so cute. I don't know specifically what I want to make out of it, but I simply had to buy it, really. I think it will probably end up being in the quilt that I'm going to make for myself (at some point). I've got a very old quilt that was a hand-me-down from my mom, I think my great grandmother made it, anyway, I love it and unfortunately it's falling apart beyond the point of repair, but I think I will just use the whole quilt as batting for another quilt, and this one I'm making just for myself! Has anyone tried that before? Did it work?

Well, I'm going to get back to crafting in my nice warm room while the snow falls outside. Stay warm!


I had to post some pictures because the dancing deer turned out so adorably; you pull on the string hanging down and the legs go out, making it look like its leaping! The first one is pink, sparkly, and fabulous

It's hard to see in these low quality pictures, but the second one is cut out of a map (with cardboard sandwiched in between.

And the third one is made from an old veterinary xray, which doesn't really show in the picture, but looks amazing in a window.

These turned out so cute, I think I will use them for my "thanks for your hospitality" gifts during my Florida visit.

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