Monday, January 21, 2008

Quilts, Transfer Letters, and Serendipity, Oh My!

I dropped my quilt for Barakah Life's Sew Giving Bee, (the deadline has been extended, by the way) in the mail today and I got John to snap a bad cell phone picture of it before I sealed up the box. This is the second quilt I've made and it turned out so adorably! The robots are on a really nice, soft flannel and the yellow squares are from a soft, old sheet that is yellow and white stripey-ish.

While I was out I stopped by the craft store to get some black screen printing ink and I found a whole set of opaque, opalescent inks for fabric. Heaven! A bit pricey, but not unreasonable, so I got them. And glory of glories, right next to the screen printing supplies there were rub on transfer letters! I have been looking for these for quite some time now, I fell in love with them as a child and I simply adore them for embellishing crafts and mail! I was looking in the fabric/sewing/embroidery clearance section and I came across a cute design for embroidery. It was a map design and I've been obsessed with maps lately (probably all of the traveling I've done in the last 6 months or so), so I think I'm going to make my own map design to embroider. I'd rather use a real map that has some meaning to me, or maybe make a map of some of my favorite places and use that as an embroidery template. I'll keep you posted.

While I was there I also broke down and bought some quilt binding for the quilt I'm making for my sibling's child because it matched and now that means I have everything I need to complete the quilt! I'd really like to finish it before I pack up all my belongings (again) and ship my stuff to Oakland, so I can send it off from here before I leave instead of dragging it back to the west coast in pieces and finishing it there.

On my way back home I was having one of those moments of connection and extreme clarity with my intuition and guidance. I was thinking to myself "Am I going the wrong way?" about the road I was driving on, and I looked to the street sign to get my bearings. As I looked back up I had to stop short in order to avoid colliding with the car in front of me and their license plate said "POTTERY". I'm not kidding you!
After the way I was feeling when I got my massage on Saturday, it seems clear that it's important for me to get back into ceramics, because that's a pretty straightforward message, as far as I'm concerned.

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